Interracial marriage in the Bible
The Israelites were forbidden from entering into interracial marriages under the Old Testament Law. Nevertheless, skin color or ethnicity was not the basis for this directive. It was more religious. God forbade interracial marriage among the Jews because foreigners were worshippers of false deities. If the Israelites married pagans, heathens, or idolaters, they would be misled. Malachi 2:11 tells us exactly what transpired in Israel.
The New Testament lays out a similar rule for spiritual purity that has nothing to do with race: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.” What is the commonality between evil and righteousness? Alternatively, how can light and darkness enjoy fellowship? Christians (followers of the one true God) are ordered not to marry unbelievers, just as the Israelites (followers of the one true God) were told not to marry idolaters. The Bible makes no mention of interracial marriage being improper. Anybody who prohibits inter-racial unions is acting outside of the scriptural framework.
Interracial marriage considerations
Ultimately, one should evaluate a person based on their character rather than their skin tone. Prejudice on the basis of race has no place in the life of a Christian. The biblical view really holds that there is only one “race,” which is the human race, and that all people are sprung from Adam and Eve. A Christian should first determine whether a prospective spouse is born again via faith in Jesus Christ before choosing a partner. The biblical basis for selecting a partner is one’s faith in Christ rather than skin color. Interracial marriage is a question of prayer and personal preference rather than right or wrong.
When contemplating marriage, a couple must examine a number of issues. Although it shouldn’t be disregarded, a couple’s race shouldn’t be the deciding factor in whether or not to get married. An interracial couple should be ready to handle bigotry and mockery with a biblical response in case they encounter it. But among all, marriage is a noble institution. Furthermore, “the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him—there is no difference between Jew and Gentile.” A Christian interracial marriage or a colorblind church might serve as potent examples of our equality and unity in Christ.
📖 Interracial Couples, Intimacy, and Therapy: Crossing Racial Borders