Did Jesus follow Christianity?

Did Jesus follow Christianity

Though this may seem strange to hear, Jesus was not a Christian. This claim draws attention to a significant difference regarding the beginnings and tenets of the Christian religion. Though Jesus was not a strict Christian, Christianity is predicated on the idea that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior. Instead, as the Son of … Read more

Is Christianity and the Buddhist idea of Zen compatible?

Is Christianity and the Buddhist idea of Zen compatible

Zen is a term used in Buddhism to describe a contemplative state that is intended to bring about spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery. Although Zen practitioners assert that zazen is consistent with Christianity, there are several significant differences between the two that render this practice inconsistent with Christian doctrine. Zen first aims for enlightenment of himself. … Read more

Is the majority of conflicts caused by religion?

Is the majority of conflicts caused by religion

Numerous conflicts throughout history have been connected to religion. For instance, during the Crusades in Christianity, which took place between the eleventh and the thirteenth centuries, Christian troops battled to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule. Protestants and Catholics fought each other in the 16th-century French Wars of Religion. Conflict between Protestants and Catholics … Read more