What is said about dinosaurs in the Bible?

What is said about dinosaurs in the Bible

People are fascinated by dinosaurs, and understandably so—they were incredible creatures. The three most common questions are: 1. Does the existence of dinosaurs argue against creationism, especially young earth creationism?2. Are the biblical references to the leviathan and behemoth talking about dinosaurs?3. What happened to the dinosaurs? 1. Dinosaurs and Young Earth CreationismYoung earth creationists, … Read more

What the Bible says about dealing with mean people?

What the Bible says about dealing with mean people

Confronting Mean People Regretfully, everyone has to deal with rude individuals occasionally. A lengthy list of immoral actions is found in Romans 1:28–30. These actions include slander, insolence, cruelty, gossip, and malice. These are all distinct aspects of meanness, and we will inevitably come across individuals in this society who are motivated by meanness. There … Read more

Is getting drunk a sin?

Is getting drunk a sin

Is Drunkenness a Sin? Alcohol intoxication is expressly forbidden in the Bible. Scripture contains several prohibitions against certain activities, including lying, intoxication, and sexual immorality. However, the Bible is much more than a comprehensive catalog of “sins.” We are missing the mark when we tackle it that way. God does not want us to think … Read more

What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?

What does the Bible say about interracial marriage

Grounded in the personal narratives of twenty interracial couples with multiracial children, this volume uniquely explores interracial couples’ encounters with racism and discrimination, partner difference, family identity, and counseling and therapy. It intimately portrays how race, class, and gender shape relationship dynamics and a partner’s sense of belonging.